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Mental Wellness Counselling Services

Minwaashin Lodge provides a range of individual and group counselling programs to support healing, recovery and resilience. Our approach to counselling is grounded in an understanding that traumatic experiences, resulting from direct or intergenerational impacts of the Indian Residential School System, 60s Scoop and other historic and ongoing colonial policies, are often at the root of mental health challenges, including substance use. Further, we understand contemporary challenges relating to violence, including intimate partner violence and family violence, in First Nations, Metis and Inuit communities as being deeply connected to such policies. Counselling aims to support healing from such impacts by supporting clients to understand their experiences in the context of such events and supporting client to reclaim traditional practices to support wellness, including reconnection to culture and community.


Minwaashin’s counselling team is comprised of a diverse team of registered psychotherapists, registered social workers, registered art therapists and recognized traditional healers.


Counselling approaches include:

  • Indigenous Focusing Oriented Therapy

  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

  • Play Therapy, Sandtray Therapy

  • Art Therapy

  • Land Based Healing Practices

     Across all programs, counselling is grounded in traditional beliefs, values and practices ensuring a holistic approach supports each individual’s healing journey.


Click on image for more information on the following programs:


Therapy for Children

this is a picture of a smudge bowl with a bundle of sage inside it

Therapy for Women

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