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Canadian Housing Equality Resources Advocate's Guide

The goal of the CHER website is to provide housing workers and advocates across Canada with information and tools to enable them to overcome - using a human rights framework - the barriers that keep people from accessing and retaining adequate housing.

Family Services Ottawa

Strong, healthy and stable families, in all their forms, nurture and care for each other and contribute to the larger community.  But at times, family can be a source of disappointment or even danger.  The Family Advocacy Program helps to create conditions that help all families create or maintain stability when times are difficult.

Non-Profits and Policy Advocacy: Learning from Success (ESPC)

This document, published by the ESPC in 2009, is a review of successful non-profit policy advocacy practices. Using case studies and examples from Alberta, Canada, and internationally, this guide outlines how and why non-profits should participate in policy advocacy, and breaks down some of the key features of successful policy advocacy efforts. The appendices contain further policy advocacy resources and contact information for policy advocacy coalitions working on a variety of campaigns.

Rural Communities Impacting Policy handbook

The Rural Communities Impacting Policy was a six-year rural advocacy initiative in Nova Scotia. The handbook includes information on defining a problem and analyzing the root causes, generating solutions, and putting a plan in action.

The Change Agency

This Australia-based activist resource centre offers a rich selection of online courses, workshops, publications, toolkits, and other resources on strategic activism, evaluation, advocacy and community building.   


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